Siemens Zeus 12 Fire Software Custom License

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Siemens Zeus 12 Fire Software Test with Custom License

Siemens Zeus is a software application used to plan and configure installations of the FireFinder XLS fire detection system.  With Zeus, you can:
• Graphically design a system configuration.
• View multiple system interrelationships, such as hardware or logical connectivity.
• Assign devices to convenient, intuitive groups by location or other criteria.
• Visually program system behavior.
• Compile and transfer the completed configuration to a FireFinder XLS control panel.
• Record wave-format sound files and assemble Voice files for XLS Voice systems
• Generate:
• Reports on system configuration differences
• Walk test results
• History Log records
• System power and battery requirements calculations
• Equipment lists
Zeus features and capabilities include: Drag and Drop Operation:

Zeus provides a graphical user environment similar to that of Microsoft Windows Explorer.

You can construct and modify the system configuration simply by “dragging and dropping” elements representing components, hardware groups, logic functions, etc.

Multiple Views:  Zeus allows you to configure and examine a system’s interrelationships through a series of side-by-side display windows (Views) that give you information on distinct aspects of the system.


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