PlanMeca Romexis 3D Ortho Studio Matrix Dongle

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PlanMeca Romexis 3D Ortho Studio Test With TDI Matrix Dongle Clone

What is Planmeca Romexis 3D Ortho Studio?

The Planmeca Romexis 3D Ortho Studio module offers innovative tools for 3D treatment planning for orthodontists and dental laboratories. The advanced orthodontic software enables the efficient in-house production of clear aligner splints.

Versatile tools for case preparation

With Romexis 3D Ortho Studio you can create digital dental models for visualization and planning purposes in different ways and e.g. B. smooth and model. You can also make occlusal adjustments and basic orthodontic fixings virtually.

Precise treatment planning

You can segment crowns from digital tooth models and simulate orthodontic treatments by moving and rotating your teeth. Improve the simulations by incorporating root and bone surfaces from DVT images into your plans so that you can follow the root movement during the treatment simulations.

Aligner series production

Romexis 3D Ortho Studio allows you to easily create Alinger model series based on the treatment simulation. The model series can be exported in the STL file format, e.g. B. for in-house 3D printing of the aligner models.

Treatment tracking

With Romexis 3D Ortho Studio, you can closely monitor the progress of a treatment because patient scans from different times can be easily overlaid with treatment plan model series.

The Planmeca Romexis® software platform comprises different modules and tools for a variety of dental specialties – from 2D and 3D imaging to CAD / CAM dentistry. Choose your preference from the main categories to fully explore the benefits!
2D imaging 2D cephalometric analysis, Smile design, Dental PACS, 3D imaging, 3D implantology, CMF surgery, 4D Jaw Motion, Models, CAD / CAM Easy, CAD / CAM Premium, 3D orthodontics.

Orthodontic analysis and measurements

Romexis 3D Ortho Studio contains tools for simple and convenient orthodontic measurements – such as point-to-point, dental arch length, tooth width and silhouette measurements.


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