PC-NET Alarm Management 2.0 Sentinel

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PC-NET – 005 Alarm Management 2.0 Test with Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Emulator / Clone / Crack

PC-NET – 005 Alarm Management

The Graphical manage software is a highly configurable method to clients

requiring presentation of their websites via a Graphical method.
cease customers are provided with site maps, buttons, text, and images to effortlessly screen,

navigate, and manipulate the hearth alarm gadget established on-site.
simple control buttons allow the consumer to enable/Disable area devices,

and can also provide a means for Silence/Reset capability.

Analogue values can also be acquired from all discipline gadgets via the menu alternatives.

The software program also consists of an extensive records Log to monitor all activations
acquired, and may be without problems analysed using the big search strategies available.

The software program provides a value effective solution for all forms of installation, and is
appropriate for use with unmarried panel to  multi-web site programs. packages / boundaries:

The BMS/photographs Interface can be required for interfacing all manage panels to a pc.


PC-NET Alarm Management

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