GexCon RISKCURVES Sentinel HL Dongle

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GexCon RISKCURVES Test with Sentinel HL Dongle.

Comprehensive quantitative risk analysis

The storage and transport of unsafe materials impose risks to the encompassing population and structures, each within the urban surroundings and at (petro-) chemical facilities. RISKCURVES will quantify these risks and simply determine the best risk eventualities. It may be used for analysis of bad activities, urban designing and to befits restrictive and company criteria.

The storage and transport of unsafe materials imposes risks to the encompassing population and structures, each within the urban surroundings and at (petro-) chemical facilities. RISKCURVES will quantify these risks and simply determine the best risk eventualities. It may be used for valuation of bad activities, urban designing and to befits restrictive and company criteria.

A complete and open QRA suite though consequence modeling supported EFFECTS models is totally integrated, RISKCURVES permits you to use consequence results calculated by alternative code, QRA surroundings.

Societal risk maps

One of GexCon RISKCURVES Sentinel distinctive functionalities is that the ‘societal risk map’: a geographical illustration of social risk. This provides insight at a look, even for non-specialists.
an additional illustration, and accompany the normally notable FN curves. They add the likelihood to find the area(s) that cause social risk parameters to be exceeded,
and to spot the areas that contribute most to risk.

Transparency and traceability
stands for clear and traceable ways to perform Safety Analysis. For Consequence Analysis, the ‘Yellow Book’1 provides models accustomed calculate the
release of unsafe chemicals. The ‘Purple Book’2 provides vital tips for a QRA
procedure. These tips are the idea for RISKCURVES, leading to associate degree internationally accepted, coherent and consistent QRA calculation tool.

GexCon RISKCURVES Sentinel

Easy to use and share
functionality to try and do an entire QRA, however was designed to own a brief learning curve for the input part, the analysis and therefore the presentation of the results. Its interface permits
was designed to be appropriate for each specialist and occasional users. All results are given in graphs, reports, tables and therefore the integrated GIS surroundings. Use your own maps,
drawings or aerial photography, or make the most of the links to photographs from OpenStreetMap®, Esri, Google Maps and a lot of.

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