Mayer Pic3 & Mayer Pic4 Hardlock Dongle

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Mayer Pic3 & Mayer Pic4 Test With Hardlock Dongle Emulator Clone

Mayer PIC 4 system permits fast, simple generation of patterns

and their split-second transmission to any electronic Mayer & Cie.

jacquard machine. Striped patterns with more than 4 colours are

also supported by PIC 4, and do not need to correspond precisely

with the machine revolutions.

The PIC 4 system is composed of the following components:

PIC 4 Software
Pattern editor for the generation of new patterns /

enter and display patterns / data conversion (bmp, pcx, tif, pic)
Striping editor for data transfer to the machine
Striping program for striping creation / setup plan
Hardlock for Software
Languages: in German, English, French, Spanish, Portugese, Chinese, Turkish

RAP Software 2.0
Rapport editor for data conversion (bmp) / data transfer to the machine
Striping program for striping creation / setup plan, up to 10 colours over 2 feeders

SEL Software (for Minijacquard)
Selection comand (with laptop) for data conversion from

PIC I, PIC II, PIC 3, PIC 4 and bmp pattern editor

data transfer through selection module to the machine.

if need a dongle contact us.


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