StruCad V16 Test with Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Clone
Why is it profitable to switch from StruCad to Tekla Structures?
In addition to the development of StruCad, AceCad maintains a very successful drawing and design office that is involved in a large number of projects around the world. So we really understood what was required of the software and what contributed to writing our own StruCad.
StruCad V16
StruCad is one of the most respected structural steel component packages on the market today. It offers a variety of parametric modeling tools that allow the user to model the entire steel structure in 3D – down to the last slot, plates and bolts – and then automatically generate images, bills of material and CAM data. You don’t get this functionality overnight, and it took AceCad developers years to achieve it. Although the program features have improved significantly, the development of the graphical user interface has remained static over the years, making the product look a bit out of date.
StruCad is a complete 3D system
For structural details of steel sections and manufacturers. StruCad provides an environment for rapid automation of parts, drawings from an automated production workshop, and output from machines with Computer Digital Control (CNC). This software enables effective collaboration between engineers, parts and manufacturers.
This allows them to gain more value in the application of steel structures – through reduced steel structure construction, production, planning and construction costs.
The leading steel companies in the industry have grown significantly over the past 10 years. Design and production for commercial and industrial projects; This is an opportunity to work for a blue chip client. Its projects range from large industrial buildings to sports stadiums.
- As previously acknowledged we will NOT be supplying licence codes / activation codes after the 30th June 2013, these should be generated yourself using the Password Tool.
- In order for the Password Tool to work you should have completed and returned your dongle form/s. The date for returning dongle form/s has now lapsed.
- It is advisable to make sure the Password Tool is working correctly before the 30th June 2013, as the StruCad Licensing Team will not be available to assist you after this date.
- Be aware, the Password Tool and version downloads will NOT be available indefinitely. Please download them as soon as possible.
- We can NOT replace broken, lost, stolen or old dongles should anything happen to them.