Sentinel HL Dongle Emulator
Models : BASIC, PRO, Max, TIME, NET, DriverLess HID, Clone, Crack, Duplicate, Copy, Unpack, Reverse Engineering Service Team.
What is it Sentinel HL ?
The Sentinel LDK Dongle Family offers the highest level of copy and IP protection available. Presented in a wide variety of types and form factors, Sentinel HL protect the software by allowing the application to access and execute only when physically connected. Sentinel HL Dongle are ideal for software publishers whose primary importance is security. It is ideal for scenarios where the protected application is run on a device that supports USB or ExpressCard and includes additional options for placement directly on circuit boards.
Sentinel HL Dongle Models

Sentinel HL Dongle Details
Dongle: | Sentinel HL |
VID / PID: | Vendor: 0x529 Product: 0x1 Device: 0x325 |
Vendor: | Starting with SafeNet, this adventure continues with Gemalto and now continues by Thales Group. |
Driver: | Safenet Sentinel Downloads zip password is” data-order=”Safenet Sentinel Downloads zip password is”>Safenet Sentinel Downloads zip password is |
Features: | Wbox – White-Box encryption algorithm is used. This algorithm is very powerful and annoying for those doing reverse engineering work. General algorithm methods: AES 128 – ECC 163 and RSA 2048. More than 65000 AES encryption keys. Real time sensitive V-Clock Technology. Sentinel SuperPro and Driverless compatible with the new existing Developor Kit. New Appchip Algorithm. Remote Firmware Update feature. |
Description: | Today, we can say that it is the most used Dongle. It contains 10 features. It provides great convenience to software developers with 6 different models. Fully compatible with software such as Java / Net, Sentinel HL Envolope and with the feature of injecting source code, we can say that it is the best among dongle companies. |
Sentinel HL Dongle Functios:
Simple and effective solution to protect software. The key has no internal memory, no pre-programming and is immediately available for delivery as part of the protected software. Basic allows the protection of high volume software licenses that are available without ongoing management and maintenance and are available for use.
Comprehensive software protection solution for a variety of purposes, including read / write memory and read-only memory protection. A single Sentinel HL Pro allows you to provide protection for up to 39 features or applications.
Offers a robust solution to protect enterprise software designed to work in a networked environment. Developers can offer concurrent licensing support using units, as well as impose restrictions on the number of concurrent users.
It is the most reliable and flexible solution to protect enterprise software designed to run on a networked infrastructure while offering adjustable concurrent licensing support.
Note: Network Floating license supported on existing Net units can now be used on all units (except Basic).
HL Time
includes a very precise Real Time Clock (RTC) that provides time-based license management solutions. Is the best solution for flexible time-based sales and licensing.
HL Time offers a precise solution for time-based licensing options (days after first use and expiration) thanks to tamper-proof Real Time Clock.
Driverless HID
This model is the latest feature of the Sentinel HL loop. Driver-based locks can be converted to this feature, but once the Lock is Driverless, it cannot be made Driver-enabled again. Dumper does not work in this feature dongles and you do not need to get USB Trace log. You just need to send us the installation packages of the software. We will create custom toolar for this software to get dongle data.
To know that your dongle is Driverless, download and install the Sentinel HL driver from our site and open the http://localhost:1947/_int_/devices.html page from your browser where you can see the Lock Type.
Sentinel SL
This Feature comes with HASP SRM and is being developed day by day. This system is made entirely by the virtualization method of the hardware. In general, software companies use this feature to give demo, but some software companies only use this feature. With Sentinel SL, Dumper does not work and you cannot get USB Trace Log because it is a fully virtualized system. All Sentinel HL features can be used as hardware.
If you have a Sentinel SL License, send the linked software to us via email. When our analysis is completed, we will send our specially developed tools for Sentinel SL.
Sentinel HL Dongle Emulator Functios:
- These Emulators have Digital signature like Others. You can easily apply it to 64-bit versions of Windows.
- You have a Lost or Broken Donglen, we can try to Repair it.
- If you have a Time Limit Sentinel HL Dongle, we can Remove Time Limit it Unlimited with our Emulators.
- There are many modules in our software, but these are not available in your dongle. Don’t worry. We can define the modules you want.
Why should I use Emulator?
Because the License we purchased is a usb device, nobody knows what will happen to this device tomorrow. Suppose it is broken or stolen, some software companies can re-request the license fee you paid again, and even many of them do so. It is your RIGHT to Backup your license against corruption and theft. Get your backup before it’s too late.
Sentinel HL Dongle Emulator Backup Instructions
- We need Software installation that works with Sentinel HL. Upload this and send us a link via Mail.
- You can use upload services Mega, Wetransfer.
- After send me link with mail. [email protected]
- We Need Dump. and USB Trace Log – How to Log With HHD trace
Sentinel HL Dongle Emulator Dump Instructions
- Download and Unpack HLDUMPER.rar, Rar Password is:
Run With Administrator SRM-DUMPER.exe and Click DUMP , Will Create 00_xxxxxx_dump Folder. Make zip and send This mail.[email protected]
Note: If you wish, we can do these steps on your behalf free of charge via Teamviewer. If you have such a Request, please send us Teamviewer ID and Password by e-mail.