HIST-DPW Software Dongle Clone

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HIST-DPW Software Test With HASP HL Dongle Clone

This software a Korea Software

HIST-DPW Software images are often used to produce large-scale maps.  Recently, with the development of high-resolution satellite images, businesses using satellite images to produce high-resolution maps are increasing.

Recently, a project to produce a digital topographic map using satellite images with a spatial resolution of less than 1 m above the ground has been actively carried out.

For aerial images, sensor modeling is performed using collinear conditional expressions, but for satellite images, various sensor modeling is applied depending on the type of image. Therefore, in order to perform stereo stereoscopic vision using satellite images, accurate sensor modeling for satellites is required.

In Korea, a numerical photogrammetry system that can cope with foreign equipment has not yet been developed.

Therefore, in this study, trajectory modeling was performed on the SPOT-5 stereoscopic image, and the accuracy was verified in stereoscopic vision by mounting it in a numerical photogrammetry system.

As a result, SPOT-5 stereo stereoscopic vision without parallax was generated through the sensor model, and it was found that 1/25,000 numerical topographic maps could be produced.

HIST-DPW Software

Domestic geospatial information solutions (GIS) are making great strides forward one after another, outpacing foreign competitors in the public and private markets.

According to the industry on the 14th, ‘Intramap’, a GIS engine localized by Korea Spatial Information and Communication (CEO Kim In-Hyeon), was selected as the basic GIS engine for the 2nd pilot project of ‘Building a National Geospatial Information Integration System Infrastructure System’ recently ordered by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. .

It is the second time that a domestic GIS engine has been adopted for a large-scale public GIS construction project after the new address guidance system ordered by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in 2005. Korea Geospatial Information and Communication has also supplied an ‘intramap’ to the new address guidance system.

In particular, the national geospatial data integration system construction project will start from next year to 2012 with a total of 400 billion won, and it is expected that the domestic market share of domestic GIS engines will increase rapidly.

Kim In-hyeon,

president of Korea Spatial Information Communication, said, “A domestic GIS engine with high technical difficulty was already developed in the early 2000s, but the domestic market share is still only 20%. Domestic production is expected to overtake foreign production within three years,” he said.

In the early 2000s, the domestic frenzy is also strong in the market for ‘Suchidohwagi’, which was swept away by foreign producers.

Hanjin Information and Communication (CEO Kim Seong-soo) sold about 80 units of the numerical painting machine ‘HIST DPW’, which was released at the end of last year, in about a year, and generated sales of 3 billion won. This is less than 70% of the annual domestic sales of 120 units.

The digital mapper is a solution that creates digital maps of satellite or aerial photos, and the price of one unit is about 35 million won. Currently, the domestic digital drawing machine has also developed Samhwa Port Industry and geospatial information technology, and these products and products of Hanjin Information & Communication occupy more than 90% of the domestic market.

With the goal of making the first export case of a domestic digital drawing machine within the year, Hanjin Information and Communication is currently in negotiations with map makers in Japan, China, and Central Asia for sales.

Kang-won Lee, managing director of Hanjin Information & Communication’s Public Works Division, said, “Seven or eight years ago, domestic map makers purchased at a high price of over 100 million won because there were only foreign equipment such as Leica and Delta systems. The price of foreign products has dropped to the 30 million won level as it came out,” he said.

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