QuarryX Pro 3D BlastManager Test with Deskey DK3 Dongle
About The QuarryX
Geo-konzept provides you with an extensive range of software packages for everything to do with the quarry area – from planning the borehole positions to ignition planning and planning the cost of explosives. We have the right software solution.
The software packages offered are continuously in our house, Further developed. Also, additional functions requested by customers or changes are implemented by us. We also offer you fast and competent support.
QuarryX Pro 3D BlastManager – blast data management
Manage blasts!
The BlastManager software helps you to manage your blasting data and serves as an interface between the software packages QuarryX, QuarryDetonator and QuarryPocket. Many preparatory work steps, such as the processing of the measurement data, which had to be done manually in the past, have been automated in this software.
With the BlastManager it is possible to exchange quarry wall, borehole and GPS / GNSS survey data between a handheld computer and the PC. The data transfer is fully automated and therefore works quickly and easily. The extension BlastManager Pro offers additional functions for creating vibration prediction formulas, as well as a detailed cost overview of your blasting work.
QuarryX 3D – blast planning
The new standard in 3D blast planning!
The QuarryX software has one goal: safe and efficient blasting!
This is where the data from the 3D quarry wall, borehole, and GNSS measurements flow together and produce a complete, three-dimensional image of your blasting system.
QuarryX provides various tools and analysis options for planning the drilling line and the borehole positions.
Parameters such as B. drilling angle, drilling depth, drilling direction, under boring as well as the desired specification can be optimized and adapted. The BurdenMaster function enables a high level of security in the detection of critical specifications along the entire quarry wall and not just on the profiles.
In this way, unsafe areas of the planning can be recognized in different views and eliminated by adjusting the parameters. A novelty of this function is the additional detection of overdrafts, which means that poor material fractionation can be avoided. As a result of the planning, a drilling plan can be printed out for the drill operator in addition to other standardized printouts which contain all relevant data from the blasting.
QuarryX Pro 3D BlastManager Your advantages
- Full connection to the blast manager
- Easy handling
- Intuitive planning tools
- BurdenMaster function
- Standardized profile printouts for documentation
- Detailed drilling instructions
- IREDES support
- Determination of the volume
- Import of quarry face survey, borehole history, and GNSS borehole position data.