Metrolux BeamScan Software Test Crypto-Box Marx Dongle
Metrolux is a company based in Germany. It was established in 1995. Very talented scientists are working in the field. It is the most well-known technology company in Germany and even known in the world.
They are some of the leading companies in the world on cameras that measure. Its products are widely used in Asia. It has brought a new dimension to the cameras by measuring with laser beams.
What is Metrolux BeamScan
Beam profile analysis and image processing software beamlux is suitable for the analysis of CW and pulsed laser beams. For each recorded image, it determines all the beam parameters resulting from the intensity distributions of the laser beam.
You know automation. Yes, we can say that this process is one click ahead of automation technology and even more than one click.
For example, to give an example, let’s say there is a group of products going on the belt and there should be 6 points on these products. but sometimes it can be 5 points or 7 points. It is necessary to separate all products except these 6-point products while the products are going on the belt. So what will distinguish it with? The solution to this can be as follows.
Sometimes engineers Program Robots according to the size of the small or product, and the products with faulty points detected by the camera are removed or marked by these robots.
Crypto-Box Marx
This Program Uses USB Dongle of MARX Technology Company, which is also a German Company.
Upon the request of our customer, the dongle virtualization process was successfully completed after receiving the details of the dongle with the HHD log. In order to test the program, it was necessary to connect to the camera, our customer did this within his own structure and we ended the process by reporting to us that everything was running smoothly.